2 Responses

  1. paromithaelleestlesluthscommencantlhymneduthepartingglass at |

    Dear Felicity,

    How absolutely entrancing this was! The whole time I was reading it I felt as though I couldn’t take a good deep breath. You had me pinning to know what would happen next, keeping steadily on the edge of my seat. This is a story of greatness, you have achieved one of the greatest things any writer may very claim to have, bring able to hook an audience. Your shorter direct sentences added to the quick pace of the piece, this is quite possibly the reason I was holding my breath, I was to focused on knowing what would happen next that I forgot to breathe.i also enjoyed how you cut out any non-essential information, by cutting straight to “20 minutes latter I threw up “, you continue the smooth flow without droning on about details that lose your audience. Oh! I am so absolutely grateful I clicked on to your blog by chance ,this was a wild adventure of its own.A wonderful experience that I am glad I shared with you !

    Every wonderful piece can always be slightly altered to please the reader. The only thing I would ask for is to watch for some spelling and grammatical errors. They were very minor, but can sometime lead to disconnecting the audience at pivotal turns in the story .

    Thank you so much for this wonderful piece and the glimpse you have given me into one day of you life!

    Yours Truly,

  2. mbthoughts4321 at |

    Dear Felicity,

    Wow! This piece was such a powerful read overall. Right from your title, I was automatically so engaged with all the suspense and how dramatic this incident was. I’m glad that you were able to recover from this agonizing experience.

    In terms of things to improve on, I would suggest going through your anecdote and correcting any punctuation, adding and removing the ones necessary.

    Other than that, I really loved your piece and hope to read more of your work in the future. Good job!


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